Feb 27, 2012

baby love

I'm a little bit in love with baby Karsten. He is just so teeny and so perfect. The love affair is mutual too - he told me so himself when he was snuggling on my shoulder. Though he was born premature he is doing so very well; drinking like a pro, hardly ever crying, weening himself off the extra oxygen in no-time, and sleeping lots and lots. It almost makes me want to have another one myself. But not quite. Can't wait to see him again.
 Yesterday Sander and I gave talks in church, and the response was overwhelming. So many sweet people came up to us to show us their appreciation and love! We are definitely made to feel at home, it's so nice. One sweet lady even made a point to remember what Sander said about his patriotic love for the color orange, and came over a few hours after church with home made chocolate cookies.... covered in bright orange frosting! Also, they are making such efforts to pronounce our last name correctly. They even succeed once in a while! The language shift is a funny thing, quite literally. For instance, the kids call the Lifesavers candies 'light sabres'. And Max loves to belt along to his favorite Coldplay song (ew, I know) with the words:
Paraaaa, Paraaaa... PAIR O' GUYS. Speaking of that song, I'm sure you've all heard the wonderful cover by The Piano Guys, feat. Alex Boye. Take a listen if you haven't:

I know Alex! We attended one of our church's Young Single Adult's camps - the most epic one there ever was, I might add - and had lots of musical fun together. We also each had parts in the hilarious Star Wars satire, called "Vla Wars", which was shot and edited entirely at said camp. I would add a clip, but alas, they are nowhere to be found on the internets anymore. Alex, well done for getting so far in your music career! (not that he'll ever read this now he's gone on to international youtube stardom.)

EDIT: There IS a video of the Vla Wars film online! YAY!! My google was just too stoopid to find it. Thanks to the amazing Liz for pointing it out to me. Now, without further ado:

I am available for award ceremonies on Friday nights.

1 comment:

Lizzy said...

Au contraire Karina! Behold: A clip from Vla Wars :D (If we can't boost his stardom, perhaps we can boost ours ;D )

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