Jan 11, 2010

ch ch ch changes

Yup I decided to change up the look of the blog again, whaddaya think?

I was baking again last night after suffering another one of my seemingly usual nightly chocolate cravings, and I made this chocolate cake. I think it turned out very well but the cake definitely needs a good frosting to go with it because on its own it's not that sweet.

So, there has been snow on the ground here in Den Haag for about 3 solid weeks. Maybe even 4! The past couple of days the Dutch meteorologists even gave out an official 'weather alarm' for those in the 4 most northern provinces. It looked like Siberia up there:

Not quite as much snow as that here but enough to make it a weird sight driving the kids to school in the morning. Do old ladies go out on purpose when it's super slippery and still dark? They fall over like fainting goats all over the place. Oh my, that just reminded me of my Oma like nothing else...

I miss you Oma! Some of my favourite Oma quotes:
1. "Chiel! In een TASJE!" (Chiel, In a BAG!)
2. "Op de een of andere manier... heb jij tanden en kiezen." (One way or the other.. you have teeth and molars.)
3. (in front of a bunch of people at church, when she hadn't put together a coherent sentence in weeks):
"Diaantje, ik wilde gewoon even zeggen dat jij hele mooie borsten hebt." (Diane, I just wanted to say that you have beautiful breasts.)


Andy Bt said...

its a good new look to your blog Karina, and your fav Oma's quotes gave me a smile, especially the last one! Keep up your blogging, I'm tempted to start one too...

Andrew and Marissa said...

very cute, I like it. And that picture of Oma just made me too homesick... bad girl! Ah, sweet memories. Now just add me to your blog list and your new look will be all finished!
Love ya

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