Jun 20, 2011

birthday boy #2

Yesterday was Max' turn to be thrust into the spotlight, receive lots of kisses and cuddles, open presents and eat all the junk his little body could handle. Yesterday my little boy turned 3, and I am hoping this means those terrible two's with their tantrums (remember when he would hold his breath until he got his way, resulting in him fainting on a couple of occasions?) and general unruliness, are over. Is unruliness even a word? You know what I mean.
When I used a picture a few blogs back that had a definition of the word 'boy' in it, that was truly what Max is all about: noise with dirt on it. Max doesn't walk, he hurdles. Max doesn't talk, he shouts/yells/whines/sings. Max does not stand or sit still, he bounces and jiggles. Max is simply our little monkey, which is why I decided to make him a monkey cake. For the recipe and instructions click here.
He loved it as was to be expected. I mean, it contained banana's (his favourite fruit), sugar (his favourite food) and was shaped like a monkey (his favourite animal/alter ego). I was fairly certain I couldn't go wrong with this one. Granted, he asked for a Lightning McQueen cake, but even I have limits people. 
We had a great time, despite 75% of the invited guests not showing up, which has been a trend for us lately. We'll take most of the blame this time since we invited people a little late. The rest of the blame can go to the fact that it was also Father's Day. Just remember: the Koot's are, like, supertotallyawesome people  who have been associated with the likes of Madonna and a couple of the Backstreet Boys. If that doesn't convince you may I add that we serve lots of yummy food at our parties? For free. On occasion, selected lucky ones can even catch Sander performing the magical, mysterious and legendary Dance of the Seven Veils. So don't be shy anymore, okay? Okay.
A great time was had by all, as you can clearly see. His favourite presents are a Buzz Lightyear (from us) and a set of cars (from oma Marianne). He's been playing with them non-stop.
For the last 45 minutes of the party, Max and Sander played ping pong/tennis with a little wood paddle and a balloon which caused Max to break out into a sweat. Nothing out of the ordinary when you exert yourself after a long day of being the centre of attention, or so I thought. Turns out he had a fever of 39.6C (103.3F) when we put him to bed! Even with a fever he did not miss a single beat. I'm in for some fun with that kid, I tell you. He 'seems' fine again now... but even so I'll keep a close eye on him today.

Allow me to conclude this post with a little word to the fathers in my life (warning, sappiness ahead):

1. My own father. Dad, I just love you. I don't know how else to put it. Sure we've had our challenges but it is so wonderful to me how we have risen above any of that. You are a blessing in my life. Thank you for all you do for me still.

2. Sander, you are the best dad any kid could ask for I think. You're silly and sweet, funny and slow to anger. I love that about you. Thank you for being on this adventure with me and doing it so well!

3. My father-in-law Jan. He never got to meet his grand-children, and yet he is mentioned in our house on an almost daily basis. They love him and I know he loves them even though he is not here to say it. We can all feel it.He would have been an incredible Opa and he was such a sweet father-in-law to me. He really made me feel so welcome in his family and I will always be grateful to him for that.

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