Aug 15, 2010

music monday V1.8 (girl power!)

Let's get right to it, shall we?

Leslie Mendelson - I Know You Better Than That
I think I'm still in the nice 'n easy summer songs that sound like sunshine mood.

Diane Birch - Valentino
I chose this video because it's cute and clever and makes me smile, but seriously, take the time to listen to some of the other songs off her album that are on youtube, this kid has some remarkable song writing skills.

Jenny Lewis - Acid Tongue
This song, oh Jenny, this song! Sigh.

Malvina Reynolds - Turn Around
This is the same woman who wrote that delicious 'Little Boxes' song you hear on that tv show. She is known for her political lyrics but I love her for this song, being a mother of 2 girls and all. It just makes me all weepy and I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be able to get through this song if I were to try and sing it myself.
(this version is also beautiful)

Do you ever do that thing where you're coming across so much good new music and you just cannot stop listening to every single song the new-to-you artist has ever put out and also a live rendition of as many of those songs as possible, that you suddenly find yourself still awake at 3am when your baby wakes up for his night feeding? I do.

School is back in, real life has once again begun and I have to face up to a few realities:
1. My legs are going to hurt bad from peddling The Beast to and from school.
2. I'm going to have to start getting out of bed before 9am.
3. Muffins and brownies and cakes are not a food group.
4. I need to find the girls' gym clothes.

Wish me luck!

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