Nov 1, 2012

scary, sticky, silly amounts of fun

Our first proper Halloween experience is a fact! These past few weeks have been filled with treats like Trunk-or-Treating and all you can eat Chili, school Halloween programs, and of course the main event: trick or treating through mom and dad's neighborhood last night. The Trunk-or-Treat that our church ward put on was our first festivity, and chance for the kids to get into their costumes. Here they all are, old to young. First off there was Lara the blood sucking Vampire:
Then we have the stunning Julia as Miss Piggy:
Max wore the only costume option there was: Spiderman (somehow I haven't really got any good shots of him)
And last but not least we had Elliot the little doggy. He went around on all fours saying 'Meeoooow'.
P.S. that orange bucket you see him holding, is a vintage Happy Meal toy I got when I was in the USA during Halloween season for my cousin's wedding back in 1988. They made 'em pretty sturdy back then! Here are some more pictures of our ward Halloween night.
You should have seen Elliot waiting in line for the donut eating contest. He was determined to get a donut... waiting in that line all by himself with the patience of a monk, and when his turn came up he lied down and opened his mouth wide before we could blink. As for Julia, her wig got in the way of her cheating and using her hands...
The second event was Lara's 2nd grade Halloween program, which was adorable. All those kids dressed up and performing a large amount of songs absolutely perfectly.. I was very impressed. Lara really loves her school, and her class isn't too big which makes me happy (only about 20 students). Lara had to recite a 'tip for Halloween' which went something like 'Always take an adult with you when you go trick or treating. Remember: adults like to have fun too!'. 
School was a no make-up event so she's a somewhat shabbier vampire :) Those wigs also don't hold up very well... one to two wears is all you'll get out of them. Alright, finally... the main event (even I dressed up for this one!). We started out with a Trunk or Treat in Kaysville, then some dinner at our house. The menu included Monster Snot (pea soup), Tarantula Goo (lime jello in the shape of a tarantula), Brains (orange jello from a brain shaped mold), Bermuda Triangles (appelflappen) and I forget the last one... something with ghosts for the homemade rolls. All disgustingly delicious. The trunk-or-treat pictures were all taken by Marissa, fyi.
And here are the final, spookiest, darkest pictures of them all. Trick-or-Treating around the neighborhood, which featured one spectaculairly scary house. First in the series though, is another group shot taken by Marissa.. then it's back to my photos.
Dad stayed home to hand out candy from his creepy bowl that would start moving and scare you half to death as you tried to reach for some of the treats. He loved it :). Someone else who stayed home and loved it (I hope) was Sander. I hardly saw him all night because he was either in the garage putting together the decorations for our house, or hidden somewhere inside his Ringwraith costume. Though his legs were pretty visible in the 'one size fits all' dress part of the costume. Sander definitely does not fit into the 'one size fits all' category, haha. Unfortunately no pictures of that, but here's one of the house instead. 
Pretty cool right?! Unfortunately we don't live in a very trick-or-treat heavy neighborhood, so the poor guy only had 2 visits. So now we deal with the Halloween aftermath: the insane amounts of candy. What do you usually do with your kids? Let them eat it all until they're sick just to get rid of it? Save it and spread it out over the rest of the year? Confiscate it and eat it yourself? I must admit to looting their buckets for any Snickers bars they may have scored.... mmmmm. Hope you had a happy and delicious and scaaaarrryyy Halloween too!

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