Dec 9, 2009

What you've always wanted to know...

about my neighbors.

Directly below us we have the Turks. Papa Turk leaves his sneakers right outside his door and the smell makes everybody who wants to go into our house nearly puke. Mama Turk (I mean no offense by calling them by these names, this is just what we call them as we don't actually know their names) is pretty and she likes to clean... a lot. She is also pregnant at the moment. They have two boys that like to greet us from their living room window whenever we come home or leave. They do so by sticking up a certain finger... Some kids in the neighborhood won't knock on our door because the Turk boys scare them. They also have regular loud fights late at night which we try not to listen to but sort of do anyway because it feels like our own private little soap opera.

Below the Turks there lives an old lady. By old I mean probably about 68-ish. She can't seem to decide whether she loves or hates us. One time there was a bad storm and Sander's bicycle was blown over against her car. This happened while we were away. We came back to finding his bicycle in the middle of the street, all crooked and broken from having been run over by a car what must have been numerous times. She has proudly admitted to doing this. She complains about Sander showering at 6.30am. She loves that our kids go to a Waldorf school because hers went there as well. She is also very happy for us being able to have this work done on our home to make it bigger. She sent us a little note once saying that despite our differences, she wishes us well. Then one of the construction guys dropped a brick on her flower pot and cracked it (the flower pot, not the brick) and she wishes she had never written the note.

Next to us we have a single least I think he's single since I've never seen him with a girl, ever... but then I hardly ever see him either. We sometimes accept packages for him when he's not at home and he sometimes picks them up, and that's about all we ever see of him. He seems like a nice guy?

Below Single Guy live the newly-weds who are in their late 30s and have two children. He seems to be really into sports and I think she is really pretty with her long wavy blonde hair and bohemian outfits. Lara plays with her daughter Jill sometimes, who is a year older than her. I locked myself out of the house one time (of the many) with Max still inside when he was a little baby and they let me use the phone and hang out at their place until Sander showed up. I was shocked at how their home seemed so completely alien to her... nothing bohemian about it, a bit white-trashy even? Strange.

Below the Older Newly Weds live the Younger Newly Weds who don't have children. She works at a children's daycare centre and has offered to babysit our kids sometime which made me instantly love her. I don't know very much else about them. That's city life...

Dec 3, 2009

Eating in...

... is something that we'll be doing with a LOT more pleasure in, oh, about 90 days time! Take a look at my inpiration for our 'new' dining room (which is currently used as the master bedroom).

Allow me to list the things I like about each picture:
- the yellow cabinet in picture #1
- pretty plates mounted on the wall in #2
- LOVE the color scheme in picture #3
- #4: the lamp and the rustic feel
- Really like that green on the wall, but maybe for a different room than the dining room... #5
- pictures #6 & #8: We've already decided we want a tree mural on the long wall, and I definitely want it to be black, or maybe a deep dark brown. I thought I could put little nails in the wall on different branches and put birds/easter eggs/fall leaves/christmas ornaments on there depending on the season!
- I really love the color accents and that piece of oriental looking art in #7

Plenty of inspiration as you can tell! Of course I already have those brightly coloured chairs that will have to work with whatever I come up with... but I'm sure it will be fine!

I can't believe it's already December 3rd! Can't believe it, but am very relieved it is because it means I am officially out of that yucky first trimester and starting to feel like myself again. A welcome change...
So guess what's happening in in 2 days? I'll give you a hint:

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